What's the cost of a few seconds in the digital marketplace? Users won't wait around for you to get it right.
https://youtube.com/watch?v=BGgRxdhFhlY Speed funnels welcomes you. We have amazing information to share with you. Let me ask you a question: why do you have a website a sales funnel if it's, not to attract more prospects and convert them into clients? Let's start with the knowledge, but first let's start with a little history to understand why you are not presently maximizing your conversion on all devices. I hope that you all know that it's since October 2016. That mobile users have surpassed desktop users on the internet. That mobile has most traffic followed by desktop than tablets. Google has introduced that year the mobile-friendly test to know if your site was friendly. The speed load test in 2018. You just have to enter your domain name here and click analyze. Even then, google has given the mobile speed first and then desktop second starting July 1, 2019 mobile first indexing was enabled by default for all new websites new to the web or previously unknown to...